The City of Pleasanton, Pleasanton Unified School District and the Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce have been actively participating in the program by encouranging people to work together to ensure that individuals and families are strong, homes and streets are safe,education is effective, businesses are productive and citizens care for each other.
The Mission of the Pleasanton Community of Character Collaborative is to create a community culture built on values, goodwill and community-accepted character traits of honesty, self-respect, compassion, self-discipline, responsibility, respect by:
INSPIRING individuals, families and organizations within the City of Pleasanton to take responsibility for their choices and actions;
MOTIVATING individuals, families and organizations within The City of Pleasanton to make a difference in the world around them;
RECOGNIZING individuals, families and organizations within The City of Pleasanton for modeling the accepted Community of Character traits. (voted on May 23, 2005)
The Pleasanton Community of Character Collaborative seeks to engender a community culture of internalized values, goodwill, and the finest human character traits through community support and education by inspiring citizens to make a difference in the world around them while honoring the diversity that makes our country great.
We will eandeavor to gain the support of our community leaders in modeling and promoting good character:
We will learn how character is built into the lives of individuals and adopt character initiatives that apply to each segment within our community;
We will strive to establish a community culture that encourages, recognizes and rewards good character.
We will emphasize character, not achievement, since achievement with demonstrated effort, by its very nature, requires good character;
We will evaluate every decision, policy, and law on the basis of whether it rewards good character;
We will assess all of our activities on a regular basis to ensure we are making progress toward our goal of becoming a community known for the good character of its citizens.
2007 - Press Release - Initial Board of Directors​