Community of Character Awards
The Community of Character Awards celebrate Pleasanton residents who practice
the traits of responsibility, compassion, self-discipline, honesty, respect and integrity.
The program was founded in 2002 under the direction of Haugen and is supported
by the City of Pleasanton, the Pleasanton Unified School District, the Chamber of
Commerce and service and faith groups in the city of Pleasanton, California.

Juanita Haugen, a nationally known public schools advocate and the longest-serving member ever of the Pleasanton school board, would be proud that the Community of Character program she established has become an ingrained part of our community. The program, established in 2008, recognizes those who consistently model high ethical and moral standards of behavior, including responsibility, compassion, self-discipline, honesty, respect and integrity. Mrs. Haugen died in 2007, but her Community of Character beliefs live on in the form of classroom instruction, on a plaque in the City Council chamber and on one-word banners touting each of the traits that frequently hang over the entrance to public buildings and at times under the Arch on Main Street.